How To Play Dice
Originally a street game in America, Dice is now played in our casinos as a series of games within a game.
Dice is fast and exhilarating and you’ll get caught up in the lively atmosphere, the banter between players and the buzz!
However, as it is more complicated than, for example, Roulette or Blackjack, you will probably find it very useful to ask a member of the management team to explain the game, which we are always happy to do.
The Basics
Dice is the sort of game where players get very excited, particularly when a shooter is ‘on a roll’ (continually throwing winning dice). This is because unlike the other casino games which only have one winner at a time, Dice has several. So there’s a group experience – with everyone hoping a 7 won’t be rolled and end the run of luck.
You’ll find between one and sixteen players on the Dice table at any one time, together with three dealers and an inspector. Each player has allocated betting positions on the table according to where you are standing.
At the start of play, the shooter (the player whose turn it is to throw the dice) is the person on the left of the stick man and once that player has thrown out (lost) the dice are handed to the next player on their left in a clockwise direction. The shooter must place a bet on either the ‘pass’ or ‘don’t pass’ line before throwing (shooting) the dice. Dice must be thrown with one hand and the shooter must attempt to hit the back wall at the other end of the table. The first roll in each game is called the ‘come out’ roll.
The numbers on the dice are grouped into three categories, as follows:
Naturals 7 and 11
Craps 2, 3 and 12
Points 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10
The Finer Points
Dice is a complicated game and it takes a while to learn everything about it. Our staff realise this and are only too happy to help whenever you need it. The following information will be a useful reference once you have the hang of this fascinating game.
This Is How You Bet
Wagers on the Pass Line
An even money bet. You win if a natural (7 or 11) comes up on the first throw. You lose if craps (2, 3 or 12) is thrown. Any other total thrown is called the ‘point’. The point is marked with a puck.
If the point is thrown again before a 7, you win. If a 7 is thrown before another point, you lose. Once a point has been established, you may place a bet behind your pass line bet. This is called taking the odds.
The odds are as follows:
Points of 4 or 10 – 2 to 1
Points of 5 or 9 – 6 to 4
Points of 6 or 8 – 6 to 5
Wagers on the Don’t Pass Line
The rules are the same as above except you bet against the dice. You lose if a 7 or 11 is thrown on the first roll and win on a 3 or 12. If a 2 is thrown, it is a stand off and you neither win nor lose. If a point is established and then made, you lose. If a 7 is thrown before a point is made, you win. Your wager may not be increased after the establishment of the come out point, until that wager is either won or lost.
Once a point has been established you are then allowed to lay that point.
The odds are as follows:
Points of 4 or 10 – 1 to 2
Points of 5 or 9 – 4 to 6
Points of 6 or 8 – 5 to 6
Come Bets
You may bet on the ‘come’ at any time after a point has been established. It is an identical bet to the win line – you win on a natural and lose on craps, but any other number thrown becomes your point, and to win, your come point must show again before a 7 is rolled. Your bet may not be removed or reduced after the establishment of the come point until that wager is either won or lost. You may take odds on your come bet as described above.
Don’t Come Bets
A bet made on the ‘don’t come’ box after a point has been established is identical to the ‘don’t pass’ wager. You lose on 7 or 11, win on 3 and 12 and stand off on 2. Any other number becomes your point. If a 7 is thrown before your point, you win. You lose if your point shows again before a 7. You cannot increase your wager after the establishment of the come point until that wager is either won or lost You can lay odds on your don’t come bet as described above.
Place Bets
At any time during the game you may bet the boxes – 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10.
Right Place Bets
You bet on the number in any box and that number must show before a 7 for you to win.
Points of 4 or 10 pays – 9.5 to 5
Points of 5 or 9 – 7 to 5
Points of 6 or 8 – 7 to 6
Wrong Place Bets (Lay Bets)
You bet against the number in any box and a 7 must show before that number for you to win.
Points of 4 or 10 pays – 5 to 11
Points of 5 or 9 pays – 5 to 8
Points of 6 or 8 pays – 4 to 5
You bet that the exact combination of the same two numbers will be thrown, i.e 2 plus 2, before a 7 or the total of those numbers in a different combination (i.e 3 plus 1).
4 or 10 pays – 7.5 to 1
6 or 8 pays – 9.5 to 1
One Roll Bets
Field bet – pays even money on 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11. Double money on 2. Treble money on 12. All other numbers lose.
Any craps – pays:
On 2, 3 or 12 – 7.5 to 1
On2 – 33 to 1
On 3 – 16 to 1
On 12 – 33 to 1
Any 7 Bet – 4 to 1
Hopping Bets
This bet allows you to bet on any combination of the dice being thrown on the next roll.
Regular Hopping Bets 16 to 1
Hardway Hopping Bets 33 to 1
House Edge (Varying From)
Front Line Bets: 1.4%
Hopping Bets: 5.6%
Any 7 One Roll Bets:16.6%